A Day at Spring Fair

A Great day out networking at the Spring fair 2023


Darren Whittingham

2/14/20232 min read

A great day out again at the Spring Fair 2023 hosted by the NEC at Birmingham, I was a little apprehensive at first wondering if time out of my busy schedule to visit the show would be worthwhile,.

Free parking always helps then a quick courtesy bus ride to the arena, slipped my VIP visitors pass into the lanyard and we are all set! Off to explore.

The exhibition was much larger than I remembered from last time, pre covid that is but well signposted and easy to navigate, first stop to the tool retailers, we have a few of our friends here today so I popped over to say hi and see how things were going, then off to the outdoor living/garden sections, I met an unexpected acquaintance enroute so headed to the VIP section for a coffee and a chat, she introduced me to a colleague who had heard good things about Cardiem so I hoped I did enough to prove these rumours right!

Then Back to the arena popping onto a few really interesting stands, hopefully making some good contacts for the future, after a few more hours walking and chatting I made my way back to the carpark, reflecting on the visit, there were a lot of really impressive stands and all were very busy, making me feel positive for the future of retail, in the coming year especially,

Was it worth the visit, I would say yes it certainly was!